Installing Kubeflow

Deployment options for Kubeflow

What is Kubeflow?

Kubeflow is an end-to-end Machine Learning (ML) platform for Kubernetes, it provides components for each stage in the ML lifecycle, from exploration through to training and deployment. Operators can choose what is best for their users, there is no requirement to deploy every component.

Learn more about Kubeflow in the Introduction and Architecture pages.

How to install Kubeflow?

Anywhere you are running Kubernetes, you should be able to run Kubeflow. There are two primary ways to install Kubeflow:

  1. Packaged Distributions
  2. Standalone Components
  3. Raw Manifests (advanced users)

Packaged Distributions of Kubeflow

Packaged distributions are maintained by various organizations and typically aim to provide a simplified installation and management experience for Kubeflow. Some distributions can be deployed on all certified Kubernetes distributions, while others target a specific platform (e.g. EKS or GKE).

The following table lists packaged distributions of Kubeflow and their respective maintainers:

Distribution Name
Kubeflow VersionTarget PlatformLink
Amazon Web Services1.7.0 [Release Notes]Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)Website
Aranui Solutions
1.7.0 [Version Matrix]All Certified Kubernetes DistributionsWebsite
Charmed Kubeflow
1.8.0 [Release Notes]All Certified Kubernetes DistributionsWebsite
Google Cloud1.8.0 [Release Notes]Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)Website
IBM Cloud1.8.0 [Release Notes]IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS)Website
Microsoft Azure1.7.0 [Release Notes]Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)Website
Nutanix1.8.0Nutanix Kubernetes EngineWebsite
QBO1.8.0 [Release Notes]QBO Kubernetes Engine (QKE)Website
Red Hat
Open Data Hub
VMware1.6.1VMware vSphereWebsite

Standalone Components

Some components in the Kubeflow Ecosystem may be deployed as standalone services, without the need to install the full platform.

The following table lists each component of Kubeflow and whether it supports standalone deployment:

External Add-Ons

There are a number of External Add-Ons which are commonly deployed alongside the Kubeflow ecosystem. These tools are maintained by external organizations and are not part of the core Kubeflow project. However, some are included in the Raw Kubeflow Manifests (under the contrib folder), so are available in most packaged distributions.

The following table lists some popular add-ons and whether they are included in the raw manifests:

External Add-OnSource CodeIn Kubeflow Manifests

Raw Kubeflow Manifests

The raw Kubeflow Manifests are aggregated by the Manifests Working Group and are intended to be used as the base of packaged distributions.

Advanced users may choose to install the manifests for a specific Kubeflow version by following the instructions in the README of the kubeflow/manifests repository.

Next steps


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